I am not settled on this…
Not settled on what – whether to keep claiming to be non-homophobic, or to decide that your god (who by your own description is homophobic) is right after all?
…and you have less skin in this issue than you would have your performance suggest…
…but you have to admit no where is gay holy matrimony mentioned in the bible or anywhere else for that matter.
And nor does it mention abortion, euthanasia or climate change. More to the point though, I don’t have to “admit” that at all – you do though if you think not mentioning something makes it unholy, and thus you must accept too that you worship a homophobic god. This is your problem remember, not mine.
Matrimony refers universally to a contract involving a man and a woman and that was it. A harmless label up until weaponisation by certain people. Now to me the argument that Christians cannot claim copywrite over the term marriage is well made. But to expect an antitheists view to be snapped to by God or others is a matter of linguistic totalitarianism. In other words, Why should we accept antitheistic ruling on what is holy.
That isn't supporting guys that is just wishing to punk the Church.
Incoherent gibberish.
Now about our skin in the game. I am married to a lady and you have too. We have therefore no experience of being a gay Christian considering marriage…
Still irrelevant.
…and since this is a matter between the individual and God…
Very funny. What it’s actually about is you claiming to be non-homophobic and at the same time also asserting there to be an inerrant god who is homophobic.
Which side of the fence are you on then – yours or your god’s?
…logically an atheist has the least understanding of the process and probably doesn't care about personal feelings in the matter anyway.
There’s no logic in that nonsense at all.
Look, as you just ran away from it last time here are the premises I posted:
1. You believe there to be something you call “god”.
2. You believe this god to be morally inerrant.
3. You believe this god determines what is and isn’t “holy”.
4. You believe that one of the positions this god has decided to be holy is that homosexual people should be denied holy matrimony, but heterosexual people should not.
5. You understand that discriminating on the ground of same-sex attraction is homophobic.
6. You worship this god.
7. You claim to be non-homophobic.
Based on the (albeit incoherent, vague, self-contradictory and often inconsistently expressed) things you’ve said here in the past your answers to all these questions is “yes” right?
That being the case, once again – who’s right about this then would you say: non-homophobic you or your homophobic god?