And again. How are you going to get people who don’t believe in same sex holy matrimony, to mouth words they don’t agree to and more to the point how are you going to force same sex couples to endure such a pantomime.
Be clear as to the process by which this will be brought about and policed.
FFS, what the hell is wrong with you? How we should fix a problem IS ENTIRELY A DIFFERENT MATTER FROM WHETHER IT IS A PROBLEM. Capiche? Something? Anything?
If you think your homophobc god and your homophobic church are fine, then say so.
If you think your homophobic god and your homophobic church aren't fine but it would be too hard to fix the problem so better to leave well alone, then say so.
If you think your homophobic god and your homophobic church aren't fine, and that come to think of it the problems with remedying institutionalised racism, sexism, ageism etc were just as daunting in their day but were tackled reasonably successfully nonetheless so why not give it a go with this problem too - then just say so.
Either way, just stop fucking around with endless diversions and for once in your life try at least to deal with an issue head on.