Author Topic: Methodists affirm gay marriage.  (Read 31033 times)

bluehillside Retd.

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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #600 on: August 01, 2021, 07:27:37 PM »

So despite knowing what their body is designed for,…

Bodies aren’t designed.

…they use it differently.

Differently from what?

Fair enough. I think it is reasonable and fair to discriminate on that basis, though, when it comes to holy matrimony.

No doubt you do, which is why you’re a homophobe.

That has been the view for millennia.

“A view” held by whom? Not gay people certainly. 
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Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #601 on: August 01, 2021, 08:27:34 PM »
It's also not called out in the creed they don't have as one of the divine tenets...

The Creed they follow is outrageous attention seeking. Dawkins and Krauss are notorious for courting controversy. So much so that Dillahunty has pleaded with Dawkins to fucking retire. Not just retire mind but fucking retire.

bluehillside Retd.

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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #602 on: August 01, 2021, 08:32:12 PM »

The Creed they follow is outrageous attention seeking. Dawkins and Krauss are notorious for courting controversy. So much so that Dillahunty has pleaded with Dawkins to fucking retire. Not just retire mind but fucking retire.

Setting out arguments in a clear and cogent fashion isn't "outrageous attention seeking", even when they happen  to detonate your faith beliefs. You're wearing your mad conspiracy hat again.       
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Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #603 on: August 01, 2021, 08:38:46 PM »

Setting out arguments in a clear and cogent fashion isn't "outrageous attention seeking", even when they happen  to detonate your faith beliefs. You're wearing your mad conspiracy hat again.     
Not mad conspiracy since New Atheists always a tiny sect trying to "Raise consciousness". More like pampered Well off wunderkind of science to getting attention.....although of the two I'd say Krauss was more hands on.

bluehillside Retd.

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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #604 on: August 01, 2021, 08:55:58 PM »

Not mad conspiracy since New Atheists always a tiny sect trying to "Raise consciousness".

A non sequitur won’t help you. Whether or not well-known atheists are trying to “raise consciousness” tells you nothing about their alleged “outrageous attention seeking”.

Was the boy who dared to say, “but the emperor isn’t wearing any clothes” outrageously attention seeking would you say?

More like pampered Well off wunderkind of science to getting attention.....although of the two I'd say Krauss was more hands on.

Yeah, probably safer just to try the ad hom rather than engage with the arguments they make right? 
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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #605 on: August 01, 2021, 09:01:52 PM »

So despite knowing what their body is designed for, they use it differently.

Was your body designed to sit looking at a glowing screen, communicating with other people via the web and using an interface such as a keyboard to do it?

No it fucking wasn't. We designed the machines around us.

If I can use my body in the way I wish to, and I assume you are referring to anal intercourse, if I am capable of doing that with my body then it stands to reason that my body was designed to do it, otherwise I wouldn't be fucking able to do it.

Do you use your brain just for being stupid or do you use it as it was designed to be used?

(That's if you accept any notion of design in this instance, as already covered by BHSrtd.)
« Last Edit: August 01, 2021, 09:08:49 PM by Trentvoyager »
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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #606 on: August 01, 2021, 09:34:35 PM »
So despite knowing what their body is designed for, they use it differently. Fair enough. I think it is reasonable and fair to discriminate on that basis, though, when it comes to holy matrimony. That has been the view for millennia.
From homophobes like you.


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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #607 on: August 02, 2021, 08:58:05 AM »
The Creed they follow is outrageous attention seeking.

I know, imagine having your own nation state and walking round in designer red-leather shoes and preceded by a cavalcade of frock-wearing celibates bearing golden iconography... oh, wait, no, that's not the 'outrageous attention seeking' of Professor Dawkins, one of the most pre-eminent scientists of his generation. My mistake...

Dawkins and Krauss are notorious for courting controversy.

Not really, they're notorious for saying things that, in and of themselves are quite straightforward, and for it blowing the insular minds of the religious who believe that no-one has the right to call their sacred institutions into question. In latter days, they are showing themselves to be men of their generation, and the forefront of culture is leaving them behind, as it is most people of their generation; they are no more behind the curve than anyone else, but vested interests are gunning for them.

So much so that Dillahunty has pleaded with Dawkins to fucking retire. Not just retire mind but fucking retire.

Much like Dawkins was pleading with the innumerable vicars of the world to give it up.

None of which, of course, changes the fundamental homophobic nature of the religious creeds that you're trying to distract the conversation away from.

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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #608 on: August 02, 2021, 06:50:38 PM »

Was your body designed to sit looking at a glowing screen, communicating with other people via the web and using an interface such as a keyboard to do it?

No it fucking wasn't. We designed the machines around us.

If I can use my body in the way I wish to, and I assume you are referring to anal intercourse, if I am capable of doing that with my body then it stands to reason that my body was designed to do it, otherwise I wouldn't be fucking able to do it.

Do you use your brain just for being stupid or do you use it as it was designed to be used?

(That's if you accept any notion of design in this instance, as already covered by BHSrtd.)
I often wonder if I should be looking at a computer screen at all. I think my eyesight has deteriorated more rapidly in the 15 years I've used the internet than it would have done otherwise. That's probably because I've overused it. Isn't this about what we use as our primary source of information, though (ie, not the internet)? Likewise, the primary function of the anus is as a poop hole. If someone wants to use their sex organs only in a way that has nothing to do with their primary function, that says to me that, like children or the 18 year-old who wants to marry an 80 year-old, they do not have the critical faculties to understand what marriage is for. And I;m not setting out to offend here, rather to defend against the charge of homophobia. Apparently UK law supports my view, as while allowing ministers of religion to decline conducting same sex marriage, it also outlaws homophobia. So according to it, that exception is not homophobic, neither am I for supporting it.


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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #609 on: August 02, 2021, 07:36:45 PM »
Likewise, the primary function of the anus is as a poop hole.

Who says it has only one primary function? The penis has more than one important function. The hand has multiple functions. As does your mouth.

Nope, won't do. You've declared a primary function without establishing the fact. For all you know God buried the prostate gland up there so that only the truly enlightened could find it.

As to this:

they do not have the critical faculties to understand what marriage is for.

Are you accusing me of that? Really? I point you to this from the BMJ:

About a third of heterosexual couples in Britain are thought to use anal sex as an occasional method of sexual expression, with about 10% using it as a preferred or regular method.2 Perhaps two thirds of gay men practise anal sex as a regular part of their sexual repertoire. This means that, in absolute numbers, there are more heterosexuals having anal sex than there are gay men. There are little published data on how many heterosexual men would like their anus to be sexually stimulated in a heterosexual relationship. Anecdotally, it is a substantial number. What data we do have almost all relate to penetrative sexual acts, and the superficial contact of the anal ring with fingers or the tongue is even less well documented but may be assumed to be a common sexual activity for men of all sexual orientations.

Do you want to rethink your strategy? Or do you want to tell all those heterosexuals that they don't understand what marriage is for?

And I;m not setting out to offend here, rather to defend against the charge of homophobia.

Strange that. You are managing to offend and display homophobia.

As to using the law as defence. What was it I read about Anne Frank - oh yes, those that hid and protected her were breaking the law. Those that were trying to find her and kill her were upholding the law.

Appealing to the law is a tricky business, I find. You have to establish in your own mind what you think is fair and just.

I'll leave you to ponder that thought. I await to see if your critical faculties are equal to the task.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2021, 08:06:08 PM by Trentvoyager »
Before we work on Artificial Intelligence shouldn't we address the problem of natural stupidity.

bluehillside Retd.

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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #610 on: August 02, 2021, 08:24:34 PM »

I often wonder if I should be looking at a computer screen at all. I think my eyesight has deteriorated more rapidly in the 15 years I've used the internet than it would have done otherwise. That's probably because I've overused it. Isn't this about what we use as our primary source of information, though (ie, not the internet)? Likewise, the primary function of the anus is as a poop hole. If someone wants to use their sex organs only in a way that has nothing to do with their primary function, that says to me that, like children or the 18 year-old who wants to marry an 80 year-old, they do not have the critical faculties to understand what marriage is for. And I;m not setting out to offend here, rather to defend against the charge of homophobia. Apparently UK law supports my view, as while allowing ministers of religion to decline conducting same sex marriage, it also outlaws homophobia. So according to it, that exception is not homophobic, neither am I for supporting it.

Your ignorance here is both profound and indefensible.

1. Many gay people do not engage in anal sex. Indeed some gay people are celibate. Should they be allowed to be married then?

2. Many straight people do engage in anal sex. Should they be banned from marriage then?

3. Whatever private sexual activities adults want to engage in is entirely a matter for them, assuming it harms no-one else. That you happen to find some of those activities are not for you does not indicate that others lack critical faculties. 

4. You’ve already had explained to you why children are a separate category.

5. The law prohibits homophobia, but provides legal protections against certain institutions that do act homophobically nonetheless. That does not mean that those institutions are not homophobic – it just means that they can’t get prosecuted for practising it. 

You’re a homophobe, and a particularly nasty one at that.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2021, 08:26:45 PM by bluehillside Retd. »
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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #611 on: August 03, 2021, 11:27:10 PM »
I often wonder if I should be looking at a computer screen at all. I think my eyesight has deteriorated more rapidly in the 15 years I've used the internet than it would have done otherwise. That's probably because I've overused it.

Spending time at a computer screen doesn't have a harmful impact on your eyesight, intrinsically. Sitting at a non-optimal distance from the screen can have an impact, over time, but just screen-use itself doesn't

Isn't this about what we use as our primary source of information, though (ie, not the internet)?

Saying 'not the internet' is like saying 'not books'. It's a medium, not a source - which sites you use ON the internet is important, but that it's the internet isn't very revealing.

Likewise, the primary function of the anus is as a poop hole.

If, by 'primary', you mean evolved, well then your bifocal vision is evolved to gauge range in order to be able to effectively hunt, and yet (as above) you use it to read... put down that unnatural Bible. I'm pretty sure you didn't develop limbs in order to wear clothes, either... Or, of course, you could just be falling prey to the naturalistic fallacy.

Notwithstanding, of course, that anal sex is not a good crossover with gay people - for a start I suspect there's a significantly smaller number of gay women that partake then straight women, I've no idea what proportion of gay men practice it but it's short of all of them and there are straight couples (and throuples, and other groupings) that do it.

If someone wants to use their sex organs only in a way that has nothing to do with their primary function, that says to me that, like children or the 18 year-old who wants to marry an 80 year-old, they do not have the critical faculties to understand what marriage is for.

Ok, so no-one who doesn't want children has the 'critical faculties' to get married, because they don't intend to use their sex organs to comply with what you think a marriage is about?

The fixation with that particular practice as somehow synonymous with gay sex, and therefore as some sort of gauge as to whether marriage should be permitted suggests that:
a) you don't understand the range of sexual activities that the range of people known as human beings get up to; and,
b) that marriage is primarily about sex for you.

If partaking in anal sex is, as you suggest, evidence that someone is so short of their faculties that they should be considered incapable of the deep understanding that marriage entails, how come the vicar doesn't ask if anyone in the congregations knows of good evidence that either of the couple have partaken? Or is that supposed to be implicit in the 'any good reason why these two should not be wed...'?

And I;m not setting out to offend here, rather to defend against the charge of homophobia. Apparently UK law supports my view, as while allowing ministers of religion to decline conducting same sex marriage, it also outlaws homophobia.

So parsing marriage into breeders-only colony isn't homophobic because...

So according to it, that exception is not homophobic, neither am I for supporting it.

No, you're mistaking what the law says. It doesn't say that the religious exemptions don't constitute homophobia, it says that the law considers religion a justifiable basis for discrimination in this particular area. You could argue that, because religious belief is also a protected characteristic that this is an attempt to balance two competing sets of rights, or you could argue that religion is fundamentally a different concept than the other protected characteristics and shouldn't be considered in the same light, but what you can't argue is that because it's legal it's somehow not homophobia any more. It's homophobia, it's just legal homophobia.

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Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints

Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #612 on: August 05, 2021, 12:04:13 AM »
Spending time at a computer screen doesn't have a harmful impact on your eyesight, intrinsically. Sitting at a non-optimal distance from the screen can have an impact, over time, but just screen-use itself doesn't

Saying 'not the internet' is like saying 'not books'. It's a medium, not a source - which sites you use ON the internet is important, but that it's the internet isn't very revealing.

If, by 'primary', you mean evolved, well then your bifocal vision is evolved to gauge range in order to be able to effectively hunt, and yet (as above) you use it to read... put down that unnatural Bible. I'm pretty sure you didn't develop limbs in order to wear clothes, either... Or, of course, you could just be falling prey to the naturalistic fallacy.

Notwithstanding, of course, that anal sex is not a good crossover with gay people - for a start I suspect there's a significantly smaller number of gay women that partake then straight women, I've no idea what proportion of gay men practice it but it's short of all of them and there are straight couples (and throuples, and other groupings) that do it.

Ok, so no-one who doesn't want children has the 'critical faculties' to get married, because they don't intend to use their sex organs to comply with what you think a marriage is about?

The fixation with that particular practice as somehow synonymous with gay sex, and therefore as some sort of gauge as to whether marriage should be permitted suggests that:
a) you don't understand the range of sexual activities that the range of people known as human beings get up to; and,
b) that marriage is primarily about sex for you.

If partaking in anal sex is, as you suggest, evidence that someone is so short of their faculties that they should be considered incapable of the deep understanding that marriage entails, how come the vicar doesn't ask if anyone in the congregations knows of good evidence that either of the couple have partaken? Or is that supposed to be implicit in the 'any good reason why these two should not be wed...'?

So parsing marriage into breeders-only colony isn't homophobic because...

No, you're mistaking what the law says. It doesn't say that the religious exemptions don't constitute homophobia, it says that the law considers religion a justifiable basis for discrimination in this particular area. You could argue that, because religious belief is also a protected characteristic that this is an attempt to balance two competing sets of rights, or you could argue that religion is fundamentally a different concept than the other protected characteristics and shouldn't be considered in the same light, but what you can't argue is that because it's legal it's somehow not homophobia any more. It's homophobia, it's just legal homophobia.

I think what the law is saying is that discrimination does not necessitate phobia or -ism. Lets take people on this forum for instance. They are all ostensibly, unless religious, antitheist and antireligionist and yet very few own up to being that. Somehow there is a subtlety and nuance to what they do which makes them not anti the people they appear to be anti against. Now whatever this magical quality preventing you guys from being full and screaming antireligionist and antitheists is......why can you not envisage such a quality in the distinction between a homophobe and someone who just takes scripture on this matter literally?
I certainly have never shown gay people as much disrespect as some of the people on here have shown religious people in the form of gaslighting and 'oi nutter'-ism.

There's the humbug and hypocrisy of antitheism flagged up for the night.
Hands up those who really want religious people to have freedom of expression.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2021, 12:06:32 AM by Walt Zingmatilder »


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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #613 on: August 05, 2021, 08:48:33 AM »
I think what the law is saying is that discrimination does not necessitate phobia or -ism.

The law attempts to define the boundary between justifiable and unjustifiable discrimination; successfully in some instances, unsuccessfully in others.

Lets take people on this forum for instance. They are all ostensibly, unless religious, antitheist and antireligionist and yet very few own up to being that.

Awooga, awooga. Straw man/false dichotomy alert. There are vanishingly few anti-theists anywhere, let alone here. There are almost certainly more disestablishmentists than just me, there are people with a mix of justified and unjustified concerns regarding Islam and its manifestations, but I don't see anyone suggesting that the practice of religion should be banned or prohibited - that's anti-theism, and it's just not happening here.

Somehow there is a subtlety and nuance to what they do which makes them not anti the people they appear to be anti against.

It's not that subtle, to be honest. You're more than capable of attempting to make the case for a distinction being made in 'love the sinner, hate the sin', which tries to divorce an intrinsic element of someone's character from them, and yet you can't see arguments against the institutional privileges afforded by law to religion as being not aimed at the character of individual practitioners?

Now whatever this magical quality preventing you guys from being full and screaming antireligionist and antitheists is......

It's called 'reading for understanding' (it's the written equivalent of actually listening)... it's an arcane art, but you really should try it.

why can you not envisage such a quality in the distinction between a homophobe and someone who just takes scripture on this matter literally?

I can. I do. Religious creed and practice are separate from individual belief. Belief is a choice in a way that sexuality is not. Those are two fairly massive differences that show how false your equivalence is.

I certainly have never shown gay people as much disrespect as some of the people on here have shown religious people in the form of gaslighting and 'oi nutter'-ism.

Every time you suggest that someone's intrinsic nature is equivalent to a failure to look at reality and make a sensible understanding you disrespect gay people.

There's the humbug and hypocrisy of antitheism flagged up for the night.

Or, conversely, there's the privilege of religion complaining that people don't have the right to critique the sacred whilst maintaining the right of sacred to pontificate without basis about whatever they choose. You say discrimination, I say potato...

Hands up those who really want religious people to have freedom of expression.

Absolutely. How can you show how ridiculous the claims are if no-one's allowed to voice the claims? I don't want to ban religious expression; I want it out and proud so that future generations can see it in all its Emperor's New Clothes glory and it can then just disappear into history.

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Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #614 on: August 05, 2021, 09:57:49 AM »
The law attempts to define the boundary between justifiable and unjustifiable discrimination; successfully in some instances, unsuccessfully in others.

Awooga, awooga. Straw man/false dichotomy alert. There are vanishingly few anti-theists anywhere,
And that failure to recognise what you and your ilk are just goes to prove my point. You are so deeply fooling yourself by your '' But I'm a good guy self deception. And worse than that you project what you are and up to onto people like me. What the fuck is awooga, awooga? Act your age.


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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #615 on: August 05, 2021, 10:47:31 AM »
And that failure to recognise what you and your ilk are just goes to prove my point.

So you disagree with my conclusion, but which bit of the rationale is it that you think it breaks down on? You're entitled to your opinion, of course, but unless you can explain why you think I'm wrong it's just an opinion that I don't have to pay any mind to.

You are so deeply fooling yourself by your '' But I'm a good guy self deception.

Again, show don't tell - which bit of it do you think is wrong? Everyone thinks they're the good guy, no-one goes out to be the bad guy - we are all the hero of our own story and the villain of someone else's, if you think there are 'good' guys and 'bad' guys out there maybe I'm not the one that's fooling myself.

And worse than that you project what you are and up to onto people like me.

I don't need to project anything on to you, you're more than capable of digging your own holes.

What the fuck is awooga, awooga?

It's an onomatopoeic alert siren, signalling the deployment of a weapons-grade logical fallacy cluster.

Act your age.

You're advocating the moral case that your homophobia isn't real homophobia because your imaginary friend is also homophobic. Your imaginary friend... and I need to grow up?

Universes are forever, not just for creation...

New Atheism - because, apparently, there's a use-by date on unanswered questions.

Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints

bluehillside Retd.

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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #616 on: August 05, 2021, 10:51:56 AM »
Vlad the Homophobe,

And that failure to recognise what you and your ilk are just goes to prove my point. You are so deeply fooling yourself by your '' But I'm a good guy self deception. And worse than that you project what you are and up to onto people like me. What the fuck is awooga, awooga? Act your age.

Can you actually not see that your petulant foot-stamping conspiracy madness here is just cover for, "mwaaaah mwaaah, those horrible people with their reason and logic that keeps wrecking my religious claims and exposes my nasty homophobia for what it is won't go away and I don't know what to do about it...mwaaah, mwaaah" etc & wearily etc?

Anyway, here's why your espousal of homophobia is so contemptible (from the great Alan Shore):
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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #617 on: August 05, 2021, 10:55:18 AM »
Vlad the Homophobe,

Can you actually not see that your petulant foot-stamping conspiracy madness here is just cover for, "mwaaaah mwaaah, those horrible people with their reason and logic that keeps wrecking my religious claims and exposes my nasty homophobia for what it is won't go away and I don't know what to do about it...mwaaah, mwaaah" etc & wearily etc?

Anyway, here's why your espousal of homophobia is so contemptible (from the great Alan Shore):

I do love a bit of Boston Legal :)

Universes are forever, not just for creation...

New Atheism - because, apparently, there's a use-by date on unanswered questions.

Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints

bluehillside Retd.

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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #618 on: August 05, 2021, 11:10:09 AM »

I do love a bit of Boston Legal :)

Me too - every once in a while I dig out the box set and wallow.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2021, 11:12:55 AM by bluehillside Retd. »
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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #619 on: August 05, 2021, 12:43:42 PM »
I can. I do. Religious creed and practice are separate from individual belief. Belief is a choice in a way that sexuality is not. Those are two fairly massive differences that show how false your equivalence is.
Interested to find out how you would justify your assertion that belief is a choice in a way that sexuality is not, when it has been repeatedly argued on here that you can't choose to believe something that you don't believe.

Belief and sexuality both seem hard to measure or quantify, exist on spectrums and are based on subjective assessments so how are you arriving at any meaningful distinction about the choice involved?
I identify as a Sword because I have abstract social constructs e.g. honour and patriotism. My preferred pronouns are "kill/ maim/ dismember"

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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #620 on: August 05, 2021, 12:53:45 PM »
Interested to find out how you would justify your assertion that belief is a choice in a way that sexuality is not, when it has been repeatedly argued on here that you can't choose to believe something that you don't believe.

Fair point - my fault, to an extent I'm conflating terms. Whether you choose to believe in a God or not is not something, I'd agree, that you can 'choose' to believe - you can choose what you expose yourself to, and to some extent that can influence your beliefs and may even changed them, but it's not something you can . However, the individual tenets that anyone adopts they do seem to be a matter of individual choice - we see people move between sects and cults within religions and change to, ostensibly, 'other' religions.

Belief and sexuality both seem hard to measure or quantify, exist on spectrums and are based on subjective assessments so how are you arriving at any meaningful distinction about the choice involved?

To an extent, yes. Sexual attraction, though, is not as liable to change with time as religious belief, certainly after the end of childhood. We see any number of people fall into or out of religious belief, sometimes multiple times over their lifetime; it's far less common for people to change their sexuality; this, to a degree, is abetted by the fact that we see sexuality these days as a fluid spectrum, as you say, but I don't really see any similar subtlety in belief. Nor can I see how it would work.

You either believe in something, or you don't - agnosticism, and the questions about whether you can 'know' might influence 'how much' you believe, whether you're confident or not in that belief, but we don't tend to differentiate in the belief itself.

Universes are forever, not just for creation...

New Atheism - because, apparently, there's a use-by date on unanswered questions.

Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints

bluehillside Retd.

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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #621 on: August 05, 2021, 01:09:44 PM »

Interested to find out how you would justify your assertion that belief is a choice in a way that sexuality is not, when it has been repeatedly argued on here that you can't choose to believe something that you don't believe.

Belief and sexuality both seem hard to measure or quantify, exist on spectrums and are based on subjective assessments so how are you arriving at any meaningful distinction about the choice involved?
Sort of. I can “believe” anything and, when better evidence is produced, conclude that I was wrong and follow the new evidence wherever it leads. People with religious faith will generally to do the same on most matters, except of course when the better evidence concerns their faith itself – in which case they will often deflect. It’s the old “a man who has not reasoned his way into a belief cannot be reasoned out of it” point.

No-one though is born with a religious faith – whereas other characteristics (gender, age, sexual orientation etc) are innate, and so in a different category.     

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Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #622 on: August 05, 2021, 01:24:14 PM »
Vlad the Homophobe,

Can you actually not see that your petulant foot-stamping conspiracy madness here is just cover for, "mwaaaah mwaaah, those horrible people with their reason and logic that keeps wrecking my religious claims and exposes my nasty homophobia for what it is won't go away and I don't know what to do about it...mwaaah, mwaaah" etc & wearily etc?

Anyway, here's why your espousal of homophobia is so contemptible (from the great Alan Shore):
Reason or logic? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.

You've been found out for the self decieved theophobes, antitheists and antichristians you obviously are.
That's the nastiness of all these that and the persecution of Nicholas Marks on these boards which IMO demonstrated the complete failure of sensitivity in the antitheistic project.

Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #623 on: August 05, 2021, 01:28:27 PM »

No-one though is born with a religious faith     
'So they're fair game eh, Essex.

bluehillside Retd.

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Re: Methodists affirm gay marriage.
« Reply #624 on: August 05, 2021, 01:36:31 PM »

Reason or logic? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.

Yes - the reason and logic that’s been given to you thousands of times and that you’ve never once in all these years been prepared even to try to address openly and honestly.

You've been found out for the self decieved theophobes, antitheists and antichristians you obviously are.

Lying ad homs are just yet more of your evasions. See above.
That's the nastiness of all these that and the persecution of Nicholas Marks on these boards which IMO demonstrated the complete failure of sensitivity in the antitheistic project.

Reason and logic aren’t “nasty”, and the utter lack of warmth, empathy and human feeling seems to me to have be shown always here by the religious – the more the religiosity, the fewer of these characteristics there are I find.

You want to talk about Nicholas Marks? Would that be the same NM who basically decided that people who died of cancer did so because it was their own fault: because of their "sins", or because they didn't embrace the batshit craziness he was peddling? How would do you think someone like should be treated?     

Would you for example still be a venomous homophobe if you didn’t also have homophobic religious beliefs for your justification?
« Last Edit: August 05, 2021, 01:47:04 PM by bluehillside Retd. »
"Don't make me come down there."
