How does it work - well if you give me the child at seven, I'll give you the adult ... It is hardly rocket science.
I thought that was the jesuits not the church of Scotland.
What on earth do you mean, and actually the notion that religious adherence goes up and down over decades is simply wrong - trends in religious adherence tend to be much longer range than that, specifically because they are so tied up with upbringing and therefore range over several generations. So in the UK adherence has been on the decline for nigh on a century, first a fairly gently decline and over the past 50 years rather more rapid - again you'd predict this on the basis of generational transmission.
All you are saying is that christian culture makes cultural christians which is fine because even Dawkins describes himself as much. Cultural religion is synonomous with nominal religion rather than conviction
What I want to know is how does what you propose, work, How does this invalidate God, How you do not see your commitment to Philosophical empiricism as culturally imparted?
And Dawkins and the Humanists believe that Britain is merely nominally Christian as well, hence there effort to get the census to measure actual belief instead of social and cultural affiliation
I didn't have a god free upbringing - I doubt anyone brought up in the 60s and 70s had a god free upbringing given that the default position with society and schools was that god exists and that that god is the christian one. My upbringing was certainly not very actively religious, although I also briefly was sent to Sunday school and had grandparents who were churchgoers. So although it was pretty 'religion-light' it had far more religion/god in it than atheism - indeed I don't think I really recognised that atheism was a thing until I was probably in my teens and I certainly don't think I'd ever met someone in my upbringing who overtly (or even covertly) described themselves as atheist, although I now recognise that plenty of people I knew at the time were actually atheist.
Religion lite, as you say, has been the condition of this culture for decades hence the census campaign. I see no reason not to believe Anchorman when he relates his experience of christianity light trather than your quirky madrass theory of sunday school attendance in the sixties.