I would encourage anybody to investigate their feelings about God,
why for instance they feel that God is the very devil, if that is their case.
I don't because I don't believe that god exists, and nor do i believe that the devil exists.
Do they feel in the least repelled,
Repelled by god - nope don't feel that because I don't believe that god exists so hard to be repelled by something that doesn't exist.
do they feel challenged ...
Nope because I don't believe that god exists.
... or resisted
Nope because I don't believe that god exists.
... or frustrated by God?
Nope because I don't believe that god exists.
, do they feel that God might ask them, like the rich person who was asked to sell his belongings
Nope because I don't believe that god exists.
, to do something they wouldn't want to do.
Nope because I don't believe that god exists.
Why the interest in God?
I'm not interested in god - I'm completely indifferent to god because I don't believe that god exists.
Why should this come as surprise to you Vlad - you said you were atheist once, when you don't believe something exists you tend not to be interested in its non-existent attributes, or its non existent interactions with you. Or were you an "atheist" like you idol CS Lewis - angry at god for not existing. If there is ever an attitude that belies a claim to be an atheist that is it.
Is there more to it than a handful of peers in the house of Lords?
Ah you are finally onto something, albeit trivialising matters. I do not believe that god exists but I know that religions exist and religion has impacts on society and the lives of myself and others. While I am indifferent about god I am very far from indifferent about societal and individual perceptions of religious and non-religious people, I am far from indifferent about special privileges for religion, which turned on their head is discrimination against those who are not religious. I am far from indifferent about many aspects of religiously-inspired so-called morality that runs completely counter to my own ethical framework, e.g. justifying discrimination against gay people, against women, against non religious people etc.