"We heard, we still want to go with the EU plan rather than continue with the Russian-style corruption we have now." Ukrainian Parliament to Yanukovych.
Yanukovych defied the will of parliament - that he was bound by his oath of office to uphold - and tried to circumvent the legal process and sign up with Putin anyway.
Please supply the source for your quote?
Here's the transcript of Oliver Stone's interviews with Yanukovich and Putin in 2016, from "Ukraine on Fire" (around 26-29 minutes in).
Stone: November 2013... Ukraine is in bad economic shape. You have a trade agreement with Russia, and now you're seeking to make a better agreement with the EU, and you are negotiating. Can you bring me to that moment, and what you're thinking?
Yanukovich: It was, indeed, a very complicated period of time for Ukraine, and we had to find the solution for the problems in 2013. We had two partners. First of al, we counted on the IMF. But throughout the whole year of negotiations the IMF suggested to us unacceptable solutions: a significant rise in utility rates, first and foremost for the electricity and natural gas. This would mean a lot more expenses for the people, while their income would stay at the same level. We didn't go there. We suggested other solutions, but got an official refusal from the IMF in November 2013. This left us with Russia. Russia told us that it was ready for partnership if we took its interests into consideration.
Putin: The economies of Ukraine and Russioa emerged as a united economy. We had developed absolutely unique special economic relationships, Russian markets were wide open for Ukrainian produce as well as our custom borders. Therefore it would mean that the EU with all its goods would enter our markets without any negotiations.
Yanukovich: We started calculating the balances, we realized that the agreement, offered by Europe to Ukraine, required essential economic expenses, and Europe didn't provide any loss balancing, and in the meantime the Russian market would be significantly limited or even shut down.
Putin: We said: "of course, if Ukraine has come to this decision, this is its choice and we respect this choice. But we don't have to pay for it.
Yanukovich: Our negotiations with Europe didn't succeed so we decided to take a pause.