Author Topic: Evil  (Read 13701 times)


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Re: Evil
« Reply #150 on: February 03, 2022, 10:41:32 AM »
Who they appoint and why is up  them surely.
But that is, of course, the whole point. For all but 26 of the members of the HoLs the decision as to who to appoint is up to the agreed processes for appointment - it is indeed up to them. But the HoLs has absolutely no say in those other 26 who are automatically given seats on the basis of decisions taken by an entirely different organisation - the CofE.

I have no issue at all with the current (or past) Archbishop of Canterbury being nominated to be a member of the HoLs and being appointed through exactly the same process as applies to everyone else. What I have a problem with is him being automatically given a seat simply because he is the ABofC.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2022, 11:14:07 AM by ProfessorDavey »


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Re: Evil
« Reply #151 on: February 03, 2022, 10:59:02 AM »
Since the house of Lords is constructed to have two classes of Lords, at other times more, I'm not sure that any of these classes recieving special treatment is appropriate

Neither am I, that's my point. I don't see any need for ANY group to get special treatment.

I need also remind you is that my approach deals with world views not specifically religion.

Every Lord will have a world-view, why reserve seats for some officially sanctioned subset?

Again the structure of the Lords is how it is.

And, again, we're talking about what we think it SHOULD be, we all know what it is.

Any solution to change it is the ''artificial skewing''.

Reserving seats for a particular viewpoint or stance, or even for a particular area of discussion, is skewing the balance. Leaving the electorate free to decide is not.

How even if that is what I was doing would that affect parliament being representative.

Because you're advocating reserving seats for a particular group, regardless of whether the electorate at large considers that particular group to be important or relevant.

Your point is non sequitur since their could be instances of what you are alleging which could make parliament more representative.

No, at best it could not affect the overall representation, but at worst it could entrench out-of-touch establishments in the parliament... like it does now.

ow then does your point of view reduce representation in parliament? Let us count the ways 1) The model of humanity represented by your proposal. Your model is the reduced narrow aspiritual, socio economic homonculus.

My view places as much importance on spirituality as the electorate does, the level of spirituality in the house is determined by the electorate at the time, not the structure imposed on the house as your model does. If in 20 years time no-one gives two shits about religion there will likely be little religious representation; on the other hand, if religion has a resurgence we might see the place riddled with funny hats.

This creature in fact is what you are selling. Embed this into government and your world view dominates.

I am one voter, I cannot shape the house individually. If there are tens of millions like me all voting that way, yes that will shape the house, that's what democracy should look like.

2) people do world views, all people, everyone has beliefs

Yes, so everyone elected to the upper house has a world view, how do you plan to reserve some seats for particular world views and justify that as anything other than privileging those particular world views?

You have no check or balance. Party politics are the soul order of the day.

How you plan to keep party politics out of the upper house (which I'd also support) is a separate issue to how you plan to avoid giving other vested interests reserved seats.

In the house of Lords that is checked by cross benchers Lords spiritual and by wisdom and experience in the temporal Lords, they in their turn are checked by Lord World view who can check on the pastoral implications and provide a much longer view which is morally oriented rather than politically expedient.

Firstly, that 'wisdom and experience' in the Lords doesn't require reserved seats. Second, that 'morally oriented' viewpoint you speak of is just as vested in the other Lords - arguably more so if they have to convince people of the fact in order to get elected rather than politicking their way up through religious organisations who have seats in parliament as an aside to their usual business.

And yet of course the current system somehow does make sure there are Lords of sport, art and music and science and that way is not one man one vote so why you are specially pleading that somehow religion needs a specially democratic approach.

Because that would put it on an even footing with everything else, it wouldn't suggest that religion is some special case that needs to be treated differently, that needs or merits different rules. That the other concerns are adequately represented through the usual process isn't an argument against my point, it is my point: if they all manage to be adequately represented, why do you persist with this idea that religious views need or deserve some sort of leg-up?

Also sport, art, music and science are only things certain people do, and have experience living it unlike world views and belief systems which everybody has, does and lives.

Many, many people probably no more actively think about a 'world view' or a 'belief system' on a regular basis than do others think about sport, or art, or even politics and economics.

You keep twisting the argument away from worldviews in question.

Because it's a useless distinction. Everything is part of a world-view - sport, music, philosophy, cheese, animal welfare, foreign affairs, spirituality. How do you plan to differentiate your spiritually aligned, morally-centred worldview concept from any of the others, and once you done it how do you plan to justify giving it special treatment?

You obviously aren't going to want to talk about my proposals.

Three pages into a thread which has been pretty much dominated by the two of us suggests that I am - certainly I keep asking you about it. Before we get into what you'd set up, though, I think we need to establish of there's a justifiable basis for setting it up that way in the first place, and you keep skipping that step.

You want this to be about me pumping religion, you are stoking a wankfantasy.

Is that your word for the week? Are you being sponsored by someone? You are pumping religion, and trying to masquerade it as some pure worldview that's morally different from any other type of worldview and therefore worthy of distinction.

I on the other hand see you wanting to inflict your narrow minded, reduced, dehumanised socio economic , aspiritual homonculus view of humanity through the organs of government.

Because I disagree with one particular aspect of life getting special treatment in parliament? How is seeking balance 'narrow-minded'? How is putting the nation's interests in the hands of the nations rather than in the structure of the establishment 'inflicting' anything 'through the organs of government'. I'm advocating for a system that's more directly representative of the electorate, more directly influenced by the electorrate, and you want to ring-fence special interests.

If it's a worldview, if these issues constitute a set of beliefs then their in the Lords worldview. If not then the Lords temporal will have to find away to get them in. Over to you.

But what falls outside of the concept of a 'world-view'? Sport? Sport is as important a piece of some people's lives as religion is to others, it's community and social activity and health and support and tribalism and financial investment and all the rest.

Universes are forever, not just for creation...

New Atheism - because, apparently, there's a use-by date on unanswered questions.

Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints

Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Evil
« Reply #152 on: February 03, 2022, 11:27:34 AM »

My view places as much importance on spirituality as the electorate does, the level of spirituality in the house is determined by the electorate at the time, not the structure imposed on the house as your model does. If in 20 years time no-one gives two shits about religion there will likely be little religious representation; on the other hand, if religion has a resurgence we might see the place riddled with funny hats.
Regarding interest in spirituality, that's why I move towards a title ''Lords worldview'' everybody has one. It then casts the fullspot light on what you and your stablemates are after....Your worldview to be the one enshrined in the nature of the house of Lords and in the government of the UK. Do you understand the full nature of that? One view of humanity, one world view specially, implicitly sanctioned and promoted.......... yours.


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Re: Evil
« Reply #153 on: February 03, 2022, 12:04:51 PM »
... that's why I move towards a title ''Lords worldview''...
But that is nebulous non-sense. Who wold determine whether someone's opinions did or did not classify as a 'world view'.

... everybody has one.
Well if everyone has one, why on earth would you need a separate category as these 'world views' would simply be reflected in the standard make up of the Lords. Also you are going to need one heck of a large chamber if everyone has a view and everyone's views presumably need to be reflected.

Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Evil
« Reply #154 on: February 03, 2022, 02:09:22 PM »
But that is nebulous non-sense. Who wold determine whether someone's opinions did or did not classify as a 'world view'.
Well if everyone has one, why on earth would you need a separate category as these 'world views' would simply be reflected in the standard make up of the Lords. Also you are going to need one heck of a large chamber if everyone has a view and everyone's views presumably need to be reflected.
A better name for it could be found i'm sure. The categories could be drawn from census information as of course could the division of seats.


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Re: Evil
« Reply #155 on: February 03, 2022, 02:26:26 PM »
Regarding interest in spirituality, that's why I move towards a title ''Lords worldview'' everybody has one. It then casts the fullspot light on what you and your stablemates are after....Your worldview to be the one enshrined in the nature of the house of Lords and in the government of the UK.

How am I enshrining any particular world-view by suggesting the make-up of the house should be entirely based upon the decisions of the electorate? In order to enshrine a particular world-view I'd have to do something undemocratic, like reserve seats for a particular special interest...

Do you understand the full nature of that? One view of humanity, one world view specially, implicitly sanctioned and promoted.......... yours.

I am not the entirety of the electorate, I get one vote, just like anyone else. I am not giving any single idea, notion, topic or area more or less influence than anything else. You, on the other hand, are suggesting exactly that.

Universes are forever, not just for creation...

New Atheism - because, apparently, there's a use-by date on unanswered questions.

Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints

Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Evil
« Reply #156 on: February 03, 2022, 02:40:49 PM »
How am I enshrining any particular world-view by suggesting the make-up of the house should be entirely based upon the decisions of the electorate? In order to enshrine a particular world-view I'd have to do something undemocratic, like reserve seats for a particular special interest...
Having any world view is not a particular special interest For we all have a world view.
I am not the entirety of the electorate, I get one vote, just like anyone else. I am not giving any single idea, notion, topic or area more or less influence than anything else. You, on the other hand, are suggesting exactly that.
Yeh, we all do, but it seems you are after another one........presumably to have two people of the same party talking about economic and political policies which you then fall in line with and supply the means to have two etc, etc.

I hate to break it to you but you don't get a vote for the house of Lords, even the temporal bit.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2022, 02:45:13 PM by Walt Zingmatilder »


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Re: Evil
« Reply #157 on: February 03, 2022, 03:02:20 PM »
I hate to break it to you but you don't get a vote for the house of Lords, even the temporal bit.
True - but that doesn't mean that it's OK for the appointment process for their members to be biased in favour of a particular organisation who are providing with automatic places that doesn't apply to any other organisation.


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Re: Evil
« Reply #158 on: February 03, 2022, 03:48:21 PM »
I have neither said  ex spiritual Lords have been banned from the HoL, are Banned or will be. Who they appoint and why is up  them surely.
As i've made it clear I would not abolish the Lords spiritual, just widen it's remit. Abolishing it would mean that a check and balance would be lost and less representation for what everybody does namely hold a belief system and try to live according to it since a lack of representation here means only one world view is satisfied. It is this point that makes a mockery of claims for fairness, democracy and more representation by those who propose it.

So why do we need separate categories for spirituals and temporals? Just have "lords", some of whom are "spiritual" and some of whom aren't..
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Re: Evil
« Reply #159 on: February 03, 2022, 04:18:42 PM »
So why do we need separate categories for spirituals and temporals? Just have "lords", some of whom are "spiritual" and some of whom aren't..
Indeed, and some of whom are vegetarian and some aren't. And some are opera lovers while some aren't. Some are cricket fans and some aren't. Some are committed to environmentalism and some aren't.

We make no argument for Lords Vegetarian, nor Lords Operatic, nor Lords Lords (see what I did there ;) or Lords Environmental. And similarly there is no credible argument for Lords Spiritual, still less for 'Spiritual' effectively to mean the most senior leaders from one denomination of one religion.

Sebastian Toe

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Re: Evil
« Reply #160 on: February 03, 2022, 04:34:46 PM »
Just a thought but had the Lords debate hijacked the "Evil" topic for this thread, just a wee bit?
"The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends.'
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Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Evil
« Reply #161 on: February 03, 2022, 04:48:20 PM »
So why do we need separate categories for spirituals and temporals? Just have "lords", some of whom are "spiritual" and some of whom aren't..
That we have them and continue to have them is probably something History would inform us of (I can imagine there are atheists having palpitations over that suggestion). Knowledge of what the terms spiritual, Lords and temporal meant originally in the context of government would also help us understand.....( atheists becoming purple with rage and sweating profusely ).


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Re: Evil
« Reply #162 on: February 03, 2022, 05:29:16 PM »
Having any world view is not a particular special interest For we all have a world view.

So how does reserving seats for someone with a worldview work, then, if everyone has a world-view? Or are you, really, talking about a particular sub-set of world views in which case you are seeking to reserve seats for one particular group, which would skew the balance.

Yeh, we all do, but it seems you are after another one........

How is leaving the selection open to the populace building in a favourite? How is not reserving seats for any particular viewpoint or interest or background privileging anyone?

presumably to have two people of the same party talking about economic and political policies which you then fall in line with and supply the means to have two etc, etc.

Habla usted Inglés. Nothing in the system I'm recommending restricts anything to one party, or one group. Nothing I've suggested leads to a situation where two people from any particular group are more or less likely than anyone else to find their way into the upper house. Your system, on the other hand, reserves seats for your acceptable 'long-term world views'...

I hate to break it to you but you don't get a vote for the house of Lords, even the temporal bit.

I hate to break it to you, but we've already covered this. We're talking about what we think the upper house should be, not what it is... Come on, that was only earlier today, if you can't remember that far back, go have a lie down and consider if you should be trusted with voting at all, let alone having input on how anyone else should be.

Universes are forever, not just for creation...

New Atheism - because, apparently, there's a use-by date on unanswered questions.

Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints

Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Evil
« Reply #163 on: February 04, 2022, 07:56:54 AM »
So how does reserving seats for someone with a worldview work, then, if everyone has a world-view? Or are you, really, talking about a particular sub-set of world views in which case you are seeking to reserve seats for one particular group, which would skew the balance.

Not all of the Worldviews can be represented but those probably fall into a general category which represents key parts. An obvious allocation of seats would be by drawing on census information.

That would probably pan out as the majority of seats going to Humanist uk.

ConservativeHumanist organisation has identified a group very similar to my proposal and their function within the HoL set up. I think it is a useful reference going on with our discussions.

The House of Commons Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee concluded in 2017 that radical reform is required, beyond the scope of the Lord Speaker’s Committee on the Size of the House. Given the desire to reduce the size of the upper House from over 800 members to around 600, adding further members seems counterproductive. The only practical method for doing this would be to move the bishops to a separate consultative committee, without rights to sit in the House, adding representatives of other religions and worldviews to the same committee.

I don’t know if relegation to committee status is their way of sidelining world views but it does acknowledge that a body representing world views is feasible.


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Re: Evil
« Reply #164 on: February 04, 2022, 08:05:55 AM »
The only practical method for doing this would be to move the bishops to a separate consultative committee, without rights to sit in the House, adding representatives of other religions and worldviews to the same committee.

There is a simpler method: just bin the HoL and advance plans for an elected replacement, with credible options being decided on by public vote.

At the same time bin the monarchy and have an elected ceremonial head of state - tbh I'm not convinced that a ceremonial head of state is needed, but perhaps there would be an urgent need for someone to cut ribbons, open new shopping centres and wave when required. 

Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Evil
« Reply #165 on: February 04, 2022, 08:20:15 AM »
There is a simpler method: just bin the HoL and advance plans for an elected replacement, with credible options being decided on by public vote.

At the same time bin the monarchy and have an elected ceremonial head of state - tbh I'm not convinced that a ceremonial head of state is needed, but perhaps there would be an urgent need for someone to cut ribbons, open new shopping centres and wave when required.
Any proposals for a new house should be up in full for public scrutiny including impact statement.
I’m sure your proposal seemingly for a chamber identical to the commons could be more professionally argued.

Vis a vis monarchy....that institution is about to receive a great stress test when her majesty, surely one of our greatest, beloved monarchs passes imho.

Long live the Queen.


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Re: Evil
« Reply #166 on: February 04, 2022, 09:01:40 AM »
Any proposals for a new house should be up in full for public scrutiny including impact statement.

Which is more or less what I said.

I’m sure your proposal seemingly for a chamber identical to the commons could be more professionally argued.

Perhaps so - but I didn't say it should be identical of the HoC: as I said yesterday, I think that a form of PR should be considered for any replacement of the HoL (and for the HoC too).

Vis a vis monarchy....that institution is about to receive a great stress test when her majesty, surely one of our greatest, beloved monarchs passes imho.

Long live the Queen.

I wish her no ill will - but I would also wish that the monarchy expires when she does.

Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Evil
« Reply #167 on: February 04, 2022, 09:13:33 AM »

Perhaps so - but I didn't say it should be identical of the HoC: as I said yesterday, I think that a form of PR should be considered for any replacement of the HoL (and for the HoC too).

Since both would be elected by PR what would differentiate the replacement house and the commons?


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Re: Evil
« Reply #168 on: February 04, 2022, 09:26:26 AM »
Since both would be elected by PR what would differentiate the replacement house and the commons?

Presumably the HoL replacement would act as a revising chamber - but it does raise the question of why two chambers are required at all, since one of the current two is unelected. The Scottish Parliament has a single chamber, where 56 of the 129 MSPs are elected using a form of PR.

Perhaps what is needed would be a radical change to a single chamber, to replace both the HoL and HoC, elected using a PR voting system, and with appropriate processes to replace what the HoL and HoC does now - albeit that my hope would be that by the time this (or any other change) happened that it would not involve Scotland.


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Re: Evil
« Reply #169 on: February 04, 2022, 12:24:53 PM »
Not all of the Worldviews can be represented but those probably fall into a general category which represents key parts. An obvious allocation of seats would be by drawing on census information.

Which would favour formal, institutional worldviews, the most significant of which are major religious bodies. An obvious allocation of seats would be by allowing the electorate to vote for them.

That would probably pan out as the majority of seats going to Humanist uk.

Depends on who was interpreting the census data, and how they phrased the questions on religiosity... open to manipulation, at the very least.

ConservativeHumanist organisation has identified a group very similar to my proposal and their function within the HoL set up. I think it is a useful reference going on with our discussions.

Does it give a reason for reserving special seats that you could borrow and use to answer the question?

The House of Commons Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee concluded in 2017 that radical reform is required, beyond the scope of the Lord Speaker’s Committee on the Size of the House. Given the desire to reduce the size of the upper House from over 800 members to around 600, adding further members seems counterproductive. The only practical method for doing this would be to move the bishops to a separate consultative committee, without rights to sit in the House, adding representatives of other religions and worldviews to the same committee.

I'm not averse to the idea of various advisory committees, and certainly the idea of a range of religious leaders and scholars sitting on one which is asked to delve into matters of significance to religious outlooks makes perfect sense - I just don't see that they need to be given undue power.

I don’t know if relegation to committee status is their way of sidelining world views but it does acknowledge that a body representing world views is feasible.

It would no more sideline those views than having a scientific advisory committee, and a medical one, and say a professional sports committee... Sidelining would be precluding religion being consulted, which certainly I'm not in favour of, and I suspect very few others here are either.

Universes are forever, not just for creation...

New Atheism - because, apparently, there's a use-by date on unanswered questions.

Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints

Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Evil
« Reply #170 on: February 04, 2022, 12:46:22 PM »
Presumably the HoL replacement would act as a revising chamber - but it does raise the question of why two chambers are required at all, since one of the current two is unelected.
You've rather answered that yourself in your suggestion that the new house would be a revising chamber in otherwords where check and balance would be exercised So where's the check and balance and the treating the citizenry as anything but a mere aspiritual, aworldview ,non artistic, socio, economic unit in a single chamber?
The Scottish Parliament has a single chamber, where 56 of the 129 MSPs are elected using a form of PR.
So what, where's the check and balance? e.g. the one party state?

Given the lack of check and  balance in your proposal, Is there a secular alternative that keeps the check and balance element? Well, yes each candidate could stand as an independent. Would PR then be needed as we had done away with parties? I'm not sure. Secondly their terms of office could of different duration. Elections need not be all at the same time.
Perhaps what is needed would be a radical change to a single chamber, to replace both the HoL and HoC,
Undesirable, even in secular terms
elected using a PR voting system,
Only necessary in a party political context
and with appropriate processes to replace what the HoL and HoC does now
Agreed, including the spiritual/world view, institutionally representing the range of world views present rather than just the aspiritual view.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2022, 01:09:24 PM by Walt Zingmatilder »

Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Evil
« Reply #171 on: February 04, 2022, 01:07:18 PM »
Which would favour formal, institutional worldviews,
probably the most significant of which are major religious bodies.[/quote] No if it were by Census information that wouldn't be the case. Not that it's a given assumption any way
An obvious allocation of seats would be by allowing the electorate to vote for them.
Possibly, by PR of course.
Depends on who was interpreting the census data, and how they phrased the questions on religiosity... open to manipulation, at the very least.
I don't see that can you explain further, whose your Bogey man here?

I'm not averse to the idea of various advisory committees, and certainly the idea of a range of religious leaders and scholars sitting on one which is asked to delve into matters of significance to religious outlooks makes perfect sense - I just don't see that they need to be given undue power.
That seems like progress to me. The issue for me is the ''called upon'' status which could vary between Never and all the time

It would no more sideline those views than having a scientific advisory committee, and a medical one, and say a professional sports committee... Sidelining would be precluding religion being consulted, which certainly I'm not in favour of, and I suspect very few others here are either.
science and all the other areas are represented in the Lords temporal. That is traditional of those seeing who gets into the lords,
« Last Edit: February 04, 2022, 01:11:03 PM by Walt Zingmatilder »


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Re: Evil
« Reply #172 on: February 04, 2022, 01:50:05 PM »
No if it were by Census information that wouldn't be the case.

So when a given proportion list themselves as Catholic Christians, the RC church is going to be where people go looking. When people put themselves as 'none', where do their opinions go? What's the atheist organisation that gets representation?

Possibly, by PR of course.

In which case, as said, why do we need to reserve seats for this issue?

I don't see that can you explain further, whose your Bogey man here?

Well, let's say that the government of the day decides they are in favour of organised religion; they set the census questions, and choose all the well-trodden paths that lead to the overreporting of religiosity - suddenly we have over-representation of religion in the upper house again.

That seems like progress to me. The issue for me is the ''called upon'' status which could vary between Never and all the time

It probably would vary, yes, but then I'd contend there are far more instances in the formulation of the laws of the land where input from expert scientists would be useful and relevant that when input from expert theologians or preachers would be.

science and all the other areas are represented in the Lords temporal. That is traditional of those seeing who gets into the lords,

Right. And why do you think religion can't be left to fend for itself against those other competing ideas?

Universes are forever, not just for creation...

New Atheism - because, apparently, there's a use-by date on unanswered questions.

Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints

Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Evil
« Reply #173 on: February 04, 2022, 04:47:02 PM »
So when a given proportion list themselves as Catholic Christians, the RC church is going to be where people go looking. When people put themselves as 'none', where do their opinions go? What's the atheist organisation that gets representation?
I would imagine humanist UK
Well, let's say that the government of the day decides they are in favour of organised religion; they set the census questions, and choose all the well-trodden paths that lead to the overreporting of religiosity - suddenly we have over-representation of religion in the upper house again.
That could go the other way though If the changes are constitutionally institutionalised hijack becomes less effective. Remember we are looking at world views so my way of assembling Lords World view isn't different from how Conservativehumanists would have a special committee
It probably would vary, yes, but then I'd contend there are far more instances in the formulation of the laws of the land where input from expert scientists would be useful and relevant that when input from expert theologians or preachers would be. .
That assumption I would move is being tested in the science part at least, at this very moment and the extent to which people and population in the UK listen to scientists.   Scientists inform on what can or can't be done. Lords world view inform on what should or shouldn't be done.
Right. And why do you think religion can't be left to fend for itself against those other competing ideas?
What are you talking about? Firstly I'm talking about worldviews and beliefs not just religions secondly if it's darwinian struggle of ideas you want, If , Say Christianity is reduced to a weird sect meeting in a front room in Surbiton. It will not be on the selection radar.


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Re: Evil
« Reply #174 on: February 04, 2022, 05:05:27 PM »
I would imagine humanist UK
Why would you think that Vlad? Just because someone isn't religious that doesn't mean they are necessarily a humanist, let alone a member of HumanistUK.

The reality is that these organisations can only reasonably claim to represent their members - so HumanistUK represents the members of ... err ... HumanistUK. And likewise the Church of England can only reasonably be said to represent the views of its approx. 1 million CofE members. Anyone can choose to join the CofE or HumanistUK, so how on earth can these organisation be said to represent people who haven't chosen to join them.

In reality many 'membership' organisations, and particularly religions aren't even very good at representing the views of their own members - we see time and time again that the hierarchy (i.e. the kind of people you'd want in your HoLs) have views that don't align with the rank and file membership. So for example if a Catholic Bishop in your reformed Lords opined that contraception is wrong, how on earth can they said to be representing their members when about 90% of UK catholics support the use of contraception.