Righteousness is God's language...it's written into every version of the Holy Bible. It is a way of thinking, a way of behaving, a way of understanding meekness, and a way of becoming as one with our health. The living cell replicates according to our genetic health and our genetic health is controlled by our spiritual health and we must get it right. If we do get it right, as Jesus taught us then we also have a spiritual body that is indestructible and then, even if we die we have rebirth to a new healthy body befitting our level of righteousness. But you must read from meekness and righteous good will else it just doesn't work. Alternatively, we can just wait in the ether until the resurrection because our righteousness isn't quite right.
You know, NM, your reply shows that you DON'T understand the New Testament.
You DO know that it was set down in Koine Greek deliberately - the writers chose Koine, the 'familiar' or 'street' Greek, rather than the more formal style so that they could ditch the religious jargon which, far from bringing folk to faith, was a turn off?
That's why I eschew such jargon - I could go into theology mode, but that language bores the pants off me and solves nothing.
Why don't you use a reliable, modern version of Scripture, and ditch the religious gobbledygook, communicating in ordinary terms which won't sound so esoteric?