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« Reply #75 on: March 16, 2023, 03:58:45 PM »
And a lot of this would be fine until you consider that until recently the idiot sons of idiot fathers had as much right in the House of Lords as those of intelligent fathers on the grounds of inheritence.
Have I ever defended the notion that hereditary is a valid approach to selecting someone for public office or a job. Nope, albeit the CofE accept this notion in terms of determining who should be the supreme head of the church.

It is not true to say that Bishops have no expertise or merit. They have reached the rank of Bishop and manage Diocese if not archdiocese or even global communions(soft power) What expertise or merit do political Cronies have I wonder? Aside from that, Davey, good to see you making progress.
If they want to be selected on merit they can go through the same process as other peers.

But it is hard to argue that they are selected on merit when the bulk are appointed purely on time served - after the ABofC, ABofY, and the bishops of London, Durham and Winchester - the other 21 are merely the 21 longest serving of the 42 bishops. Some of the others may have greater merit but the peerage is all about how long you've been in post.


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« Reply #76 on: March 16, 2023, 08:15:25 PM »
And a lot of this would be fine until you consider that until recently the idiot sons of idiot fathers had as much right in the House of Lords as those of intelligent fathers on the grounds of inheritence.

And getting rid of the remaining hereditary peers would be another creditable improvement to the system.

It is not true to say that Bishops have no expertise or merit.

But it is true to say that they've not been selected on the basis of that expertise or merit, they're 'selected' by default because the church has reserved place for them.

They have reached the rank of Bishop and manage Diocese if not archdiocese or even global communions(soft power).

Any number of people in other fields have reached significant rank, have displayed management capabilities, but we don't reserve seats for them in the Lords, why should Bishops be a special case?

What expertise or merit do political Cronies have I wonder?

There are scientists, industrialists, businesspeople, teachers, sportsmen and women, charity workers, politicians, all sorts of walks of life. What merit to Bishops have? You mentioned organisational management skills and 'soft power', neither of which appears directly relevant to the activity of the Lords.

Aside from that, Davey, good to see you making progress.

Aside from that, Vlad, you still haven't' attempted to explain why CofE Bishops deserve special treatment and priveleged places...

Universes are forever, not just for creation...

New Atheism - because, apparently, there's a use-by date on unanswered questions.

Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints

Walt Zingmatilder

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« Reply #77 on: March 17, 2023, 08:45:06 AM »
And getting rid of the remaining hereditary peers would be another creditable improvement to the system.
creditable improvement? It should be your main focus instead of expending yourself on the aim of having 1026 secular lords intstead of only 1000.
But it is true to say that they've not been selected on the basis of that expertise or merit, they're 'selected' by default because the church has reserved place for them.
They have they have shown ability and character development to become overseers of diocese and the various spiritual charitable and social efforts they provide for each parish. That involves merit as put against a luvvie lord for instance

Any number of people in other fields have reached significant rank, have displayed management capabilities, but we don't reserve seats for them in the Lords, why should Bishops be a special case?
And in other faith contexts too. I do not think Bishops should be a special case but the Lords spiritual and Lords Temporal division should be retained.
There are scientists, industrialists, businesspeople, teachers, sportsmen and women, charity workers, politicians, all sorts of walks of life. What merit to Bishops have?
As community and social leaders and managers of those networks
You mentioned organisational management skills and 'soft power', neither of which appears directly relevant to the activity of the Lords.
Are you kidding me?
Aside from that, Vlad, you still haven't' attempted to explain why CofE Bishops deserve special treatment and priveleged places...

I don't, I favour a ''Lords secular'' and a ''Lords world view'' to represent British Humanists(A religion) as well as other belief positions.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2023, 08:48:39 AM by Walt Zingmatilder »

Walt Zingmatilder

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« Reply #78 on: March 17, 2023, 08:50:34 AM »

But it is hard to argue that they are selected on merit when the bulk are appointed purely on time served - after the ABofC, ABofY, and the bishops of London, Durham and Winchester - the other 21 are merely the 21 longest serving of the 42 bishops. Some of the others may have greater merit but the peerage is all about how long you've been in post.
I don't see how you can accuse Bishops of being time served in the context of the House of Lords with a straight face.


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« Reply #79 on: March 17, 2023, 08:57:31 AM »
creditable improvement? It should be your main focus instead of expending yourself on the aim of having 1026 secular lords intstead of only 1000.

It turns out that I'm spectacular enough to do both - why reorganise twice when you can get rid of both unjustified elements in one fell swoop.

They have they have shown ability and character development to become overseers of diocese and the various spiritual charitable and social efforts they provide for each parish. That involves merit as put against a luvvie lord for instance

And, again, people in other walks of life have demonstrated similar skills and tendencies, what makes Bishops special? You could make a case against the political appointment of Lords, I might even agree with at least elements of it, but whether the appointment of Lords Temporal is perfect or not is completely irrelevant in your continued failure to justify the continuing presence of the Lords Spiritual.

And in other faith contexts too. I do not think Bishops should be a special case but the Lords spiritual and Lords Temporal division should be retained.

Which just shifts your need to justify from explicitly the Church of England to religion - why should religion get special privileges?

As community and social leaders and managers of those networks

Which could be cited if they are nominated - even if I accept that they have those skills, I don't see why that gives them a shortcut into reserved seats in Parliament.

Are you kidding me? I don't, I favour a ''Lords secular'' and a ''Lords world view'' to represent British Humanists(A religion) as well as other belief positions.

No, I'm not kidding you. You continue to imply that you think the presence of the Lords Spiritual (perhaps reformed in a minor sense to represent a broader swathe of religions) is justified, but you continue to fail to explain what that justification is. You keep extolling the credentials of Bishops, without explaining why those credentials cannot be cited as recommendations in the same nomination process as everyone else, which completely fails to explain why seats should be reserved particular for the CofE, or for religious representatives expressly, when no other walk of life gets such treatment.

British Humanists, by the way, are manifestly not a religion, that should be beneath you. It's not, obviously, but it should be.

Universes are forever, not just for creation...

New Atheism - because, apparently, there's a use-by date on unanswered questions.

Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints

Sebastian Toe

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« Reply #80 on: March 17, 2023, 09:24:36 AM »
Just reflect that if we drop the reserved appointment of CoE Lords, then that will leave only one country in the world as the shining example of democracy by reserving places in it's legislature for clerics.

Our current cosy club of two will then only have one member.

"The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends.'
Albert Einstein

Walt Zingmatilder

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« Reply #81 on: March 17, 2023, 09:50:53 AM »
And, again, people in other walks of life have demonstrated similar skills and tendencies, what makes Bishops special?
You want to exclude the religious walk of life and have totally secular lords
Which just shifts your need to justify from explicitly the Church of England to religion
No, other world views could be included -
why should religion get special privileges?
The spiritual gets no privilege over the secular......with it's hundreds and hundreds of secular lords. You see the NSS and HumanistUK takes are essentially, a con with the reality being that secularism has the lions share of representation.


British Humanists, by the way, are manifestly not a religion, that should be beneath you. It's not, obviously, but it should be.

My ''campaign'' is for a ''Lords world view''. Which encompasses stealth religions like New atheism,
Atheists with religious ceremony, clergy and faith statements like Humanist UK with it's celebrants, credal formulations, chaplaincies etc, and Buddhism and the organised non religious.

Walt Zingmatilder

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« Reply #82 on: March 17, 2023, 10:01:29 AM »
Just reflect that if we drop the reserved appointment of CoE Lords, then that will leave only one country in the world as the shining example of democracy by reserving places in it's legislature for clerics.

Our current cosy club of two will then only have one member.

There's got to be a thumping great fallacy here. Britain has the same system as Iran....therefore it's as bad as Iran, perhaps.

I move that any resemblence between us and the negative aspects of Iran is down to what goes on in our elected house.

It must also be pointed out that that certain groups of islamic clerics see the Koran are legalists above any kind of spiritual consideration.

Other than that Iran probably has places for clerics in it's main legislative house where as we don't.


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« Reply #83 on: March 17, 2023, 12:33:47 PM »
You want to exclude the religious walk of life and have totally secular lords

Even if I were the rabid antitheist that you're trying to ad hominem me into, that still doesn't in any way actually justify your continued support for the Lords Spiritual. There could be an entire country of anti-theists looking to squeeze the Lords Spiritual out of the Lords or I could be the only one, and that has absolutely no impact on the fact that you still haven't made an argument in favour of the institution as is.

No, other world views could be included -

Which ones? If you want to represent the broadest range of world views then, presumably, there's no basis for restricting any of the seats to some particular subset?

The spiritual gets no privilege over the secular......with it's hundreds and hundreds of secular lords.

Spiritual and secular are not opposites, when will you stop with this nonsense. Secular appointments do not in any way prevent spiritual people being appointed, they just don't - pay attention here, this is the magic bit - DO NO PRIVILEGE PARTICULAR AREAS OF CONCERN BY RESERVING SEATS FOR THEM.

You see the NSS and HumanistUK takes are essentially, a con with the reality being that secularism has the lions share of representation.

Secularism SHOULD have the lion's share - it should have all the share - because secularism represents everyone equally.

My ''campaign'' is for a ''Lords world view''. Which encompasses stealth religions like New atheism, Atheists with religious ceremony, clergy and faith statements like Humanist UK with it's celebrants, credal formulations, chaplaincies etc, and Buddhism and the organised non religious.

So your argument in favour of keeping the Lords Spiritual is to suggest that the same people you are suggesting are unfairly trying to get rid of them are part of the group that they represent, because you want to keep explicit religious representation but appear not to understand what religions are. Even for you that's weak. But at least it's an attempt at a justification, I'll grant you. Batshit crazy, but an attempt.

So, given that a) neither of the organisations you suggest are actually in any way religious, and b) even if they were they aren't represented by the current Lords Spiritual and c) even if they were they are actively campaigning against the notion because it doesn't matter who they do or do not represent, the fact that they have a special privilege is the problem... I still don't see how that attempt at an argument actually reaches the necessary level to justify the continuance of the practice.


Universes are forever, not just for creation...

New Atheism - because, apparently, there's a use-by date on unanswered questions.

Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints

Walt Zingmatilder

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« Reply #84 on: March 17, 2023, 03:01:02 PM »
Even if I were the rabid antitheist that you're trying to ad hominem me into, that still doesn't in any way actually justify your continued support for the Lords Spiritual. There could be an entire country of anti-theists looking to squeeze the Lords Spiritual out of the Lords or I could be the only one, and that has absolutely no impact on the fact that you still haven't made an argument in favour of the institution as is.
Would you say you were a rabid antitheist? Some people would wear that with a badge of pride and I would say they the rabid antitheists, were you to be one, are bloody lucky to have you. What I think we are all victim of is the misrepresentative premises used by the Humanists UK and the NSS. Namely that there haven't been, for hundreds of years, the lion share of seats reserved for secular Lords. The Lords temporal. There have.
Which ones? If you want to represent the broadest range of world views then, presumably, there's no basis for restricting any of the seats to some particular subset?
Well perhaps this would be less of a problem if one of the privilages of the Lords Secular/temporal has which the Lords spiritual don't have and that's the privilage of extending it's membership.
Spiritual and secular are not opposites, when will you stop with this nonsense.
What? That view has never formed the main part of the rationale I think. Human beings a part spiritual and part secular, they are complimentary. They are not considered opposite, hence 26 Lords spiritual and around a thousand secular places reserved for the secular.
rationale I think Secular appointments do not in any way prevent spiritual people being appointed, they just don't -
And no one is purely spiritual and they also have a secular side...even Bishops.
Secularism SHOULD have the lion's share - it should have all the share - because secularism represents everyone equally.
We will have to disagree on that one. When I first became a Christian I would have been happy to believe that your person entering the Lords or most of them would be people who knew they had and cultivated their spiritual side. As it turned out, People arrived on the scene who wanted to repudiate spirituality and govern and be governed on the principles of scientism and who called for a public repudiation and humiliation of spirituality and worse, people who acknowledged their spirituality. Sinister because of how they want the place to run, that they assume are at the forefront of rights, that spirituality denies them stuff, that only they can vouchsafe the good ( a kind of militant self righteousness ), Dishonest in how they have distorted the actual privilage going on in the House of Lords etc, etc. And frankly wanting a transfer of church soft power in their favour when they are still in a smaller minority than those they seek to receive  transferred authority from.

The lords secular and temporal are only there for there secular input, You have already admitted that the focus should be entirely on the secular to the exclusion of the spiritual
Secularism SHOULD have the lion's share - it should have all the share.
And there I think we have exactly what the game is,


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« Reply #85 on: March 17, 2023, 03:43:17 PM »
The lords secular and temporal are only there for there secular input,
Firstly there is no such things a the Lords Secular - there is, however, the Lords Temporal as a historic term for members of the HoL who are not appointed automatically on the basis of their position within the CofE.

Secondly, as so often, you are talking complete non-sense. There is absolutely no requirement or obligation for a member of the Lords Temporal to restrict themselves to secular input. They have free reign to determine what and when they want to make their contributions. So there is nothing to stop an ex ABofC (who will be Lords Temporal) to only contributing on spiritual matters, likewise the Chief Rabbi. Indeed any member of the Lords Temporal could restrict their contributions to religious and spiritual matters should they choose.

And the flip-side is also true - Lords Spiritual are allow to engage in and vote on any matter that comes before the HoL, however far removed from the spiritual.

Walt Zingmatilder

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« Reply #86 on: March 17, 2023, 04:25:38 PM »
Firstly there is no such things a the Lords Secular - there is, however, the Lords Temporal as a historic term for members of the HoL who are not appointed automatically on the basis of their position within the CofE.
And the lords temporal are the Lords secular......a rose by any other name, and all that. See wikipedia entry for Lords Temporal. You are implying that if you wanted secular Lords you'd have to kick the Lords temporal out. That is palpable crap.
Secondly, as so often, you are talking complete non-sense. There is absolutely no requirement or obligation for a member of the Lords Temporal to restrict themselves to secular input. They have free reign to determine what and when they want to make their contributions. So there is nothing to stop an ex ABofC (who will be Lords Temporal) to only contributing on spiritual matters, likewise the Chief Rabbi. Indeed any member of the Lords Temporal could restrict their contributions to religious and spiritual matters should they choose.
Not nonsense the Lords temporal or secular lords have a flexible number of seats. A privilage not extended to the Lords spiritual.

And the flip-side is also true - Lords Spiritual are allow to engage in and vote on any matter that comes before the HoL,
[/quote]They are secular people as well though. I don't see what your point is. It's down to what your focus isand the overall focus of the Hol is secular.


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« Reply #87 on: March 17, 2023, 04:40:56 PM »
They are secular people as well though. I don't see what your point is. It's down to what your focus isand the overall focus of the Hol is secular.
You really do need to get your arguments straight Vlad. You claim that the Lords Temporal are only there for secular input, and then argue that the Lords Temporal are secular people as well.

You can't have it both ways Vlad.

The reality is that the designation of Temporal vs Spiritual is entirely about how those members are appointed to the Lords - the latter automatically appointed due to their role in the CofE, the former appointed through formal processes in the HoLs. The terminology has nothing whatsoever to do with their actual role in the HoLs - both types of Lords have equal rights to turn up (or not turn up) contribute to HoLs debates, vote etc. There is nothing to say that Lords Temporal must restrict themselves to discussion of secular matters not that Lords Spiritual must restrict themselves to discussion of religious matters. Any peer can engage in debate on any matter raised in the house.


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« Reply #88 on: March 17, 2023, 04:43:58 PM »
And the lords temporal are the Lords secular......a rose by any other name, and all that. See wikipedia entry for Lords Temporal. You are implying that if you wanted secular Lords you'd have to kick the Lords temporal out.
Actually if you kicked out the Lords spiritual you'd simply have ... err Lords - there would be not need to sub-divide by Temporal, Spiritual (the current division) or secular or religious etc etc. They'd all just be Lords. You'd also want to kick out the final hereditaries as well.

Just think about it in terms of the commons - MPs are described as MPs Temporal or MPs Secular, nope they are just described as MPs.

Walt Zingmatilder

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« Reply #89 on: March 17, 2023, 04:48:42 PM »
You really do need to get your arguments straight Vlad. You claim that the Lords Temporal are only there for secular input, and then argue that the Lords Temporal are secular people as well.

You can't have it both ways Vlad.
Which would be fine had it not been for the fact that I talk about 'focus' and the 'expertise' they bring with them and yes the squadrons of The Lords Temporal have a secular focus and the Lords spiritual have a spiritual focus.


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« Reply #90 on: March 17, 2023, 05:08:32 PM »
... and the Lords spiritual have a spiritual focus.
What like this guy:

Check out his voting record on such clearly 'spiritual' matters, such as Police, Crime, Sentencing & Courts Bill, Covert Human Intelligence Bill, European Union Bill and the most spiritual matter of all - Local Auditing!


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« Reply #91 on: March 17, 2023, 05:49:41 PM »
The Lords Temporal have a secular focus
What like George Carey and John Sentamu - don't make me laugh.

The point is that there is no restriction whatsoever on topics that any peer can speak on, vote on and no requirement for them to have a secular or a spiritual focus - they can engage as they please.

The difference is in how they are appointed to the Lords - on the one hand through an appointment process in parliament and on the other automatically on the basis of their appointment to a completely different role in a completely different organisation.

You could just as well argue that the vice chancellors of the 24 Russell Group universities should automatically become peers on the basis of being appointed to run a leading university.


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« Reply #92 on: March 20, 2023, 09:33:47 AM »
Would you say you were a rabid antitheist?

I already said, in the sentence where I mentioned it, that I wouldn't, but then what other people tell you about their stance doesn't really seem to get through to you very often, does it?

Some people would wear that with a badge of pride and I would say they the rabid antitheists, were you to be one, are bloody lucky to have you.

Some people? Really? Are these the people that rocked up to Donald Trumps inauguration? Those people....

What I think we are all victim of is the misrepresentative premises used by the Humanists UK and the NSS. Namely that there haven't been, for hundreds of years, the lion share of seats reserved for secular Lords.

Life peers were introduced, as I recall, in the late 1950s, so for hundreds of years in fact the Lords the lion's share of the seats was for entrenched families of influence, but don't let a little thing like reality get in the way of your nonsense. NOW, yes, the majority of the seats are representative of everyone in equal measure given that they are secular; that still leaves you failing to adequately justify the continued presence of the Lords Spriritual representing a portion of a continuously diminishing minority of the nation.

Well perhaps this would be less of a problem if one of the privilages of the Lords Secular/temporal has which the Lords spiritual don't have and that's the privilage of extending it's membership.

So your logical response to 'you've still failed to justify the existence of the Lords Spiritual' is to complain that you can't expand the tradition...

What? That view has never formed the main part of the rationale I think.

It's the foundation of your continued railing against the Lords Temporal, that as 'secular' representatives they need something explicitly religious to counter the explicitly atheist stance that only you appear to be aware of.

Human beings a part spiritual and part secular, they are complimentary.

No, we aren't, secular and spiritual are ideas about different things. That's like saying we're part sportsman and part liver. Secular is about how we organise institutions, and does not exclude or privilege the notion of spiritual. As to whether humans are 'part spiritual', you could believe that, but I'd be inclined to disagree.

They are not considered opposite, hence 26 Lords spiritual and around a thousand secular places reserved for the secular.

So if they aren't opposed, why can't the seats of the Lords Spiritual be absorbed into the broader house and represented from amongst the broad representation of the Lords? Why does the CofE need special reserved seats?

And no one is purely spiritual and they also have a secular side...even Bishops.

See above, where you said that spiritual and secular are not opposites? You need to remember that two sentences later when you write nonsense like this.

We will have to disagree on that one.

You can disagree if you want, but unless you can justify that disagreement that's just you being contrary because it doesn't help your arbitrary cause. The point of secularism is that it represents everyone equally - if you think a group is somehow 'excluded' then make your case, but you need to make the case before you can justify things like the Lords Spiritual as a defence against that inequality.

When I first became a Christian I would have been happy to believe that your person entering the Lords or most of them would be people who knew they had and cultivated their spiritual side.

I would be happy to never here anyone witter on about 'spiritual' again, and instead focus on reality, but there you go.

As it turned out, People arrived on the scene who wanted to repudiate spirituality and govern and be governed on the principles of scientism and who called for a public repudiation and humiliation of spirituality and worse, people who acknowledged their spirituality.

Really? Who? When? In the Lords? Are you sure?

Sinister because of how they want the place to run, that they assume are at the forefront of rights, that spirituality denies them stuff, that only they can vouchsafe the good ( a kind of militant self righteousness ), Dishonest in how they have distorted the actual privilage going on in the House of Lords etc, etc. And frankly wanting a transfer of church soft power in their favour when they are still in a smaller minority than those they seek to receive  transferred authority from.

The history of equal rights in this country over the last, say, 150 years does have The Church of England fairly consistently on the side of maintaining unjustifiable restrictions on people's freedom, maintaining inequality, and if you're looking at the Lords Spiritual being representative of the broader Christian (i.e. worldwide Anglican, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox etc) or religious (i.e. Islamic) stance then they are hardly pushing at the forefront of the battles against homophobia, transphobia, misogyny or even, in some instances, racism.

The lords secular and temporal are only there for there secular input, You have already admitted that the focus should be entirely on the secular to the exclusion of the spiritual

Secular does not exclude spiritual, it just doesn't afford it special privilege.

And there I think we have exactly what the game is,

Yes, that's where 'the game' is, where EVERYONE is represented, and no particular outlook or group has a special privilege. Now, do you have a better attempt at justifying that current special privilege that the Church of England has in the form of its 26 reserved seats, in addition to the number of Christians elected as Lords Temporal?

Universes are forever, not just for creation...

New Atheism - because, apparently, there's a use-by date on unanswered questions.

Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints

Walt Zingmatilder

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« Reply #93 on: March 20, 2023, 10:42:50 AM »

So your logical response to 'you've still failed to justify the existence of the Lords Spiritual' is to complain that you can't expand the tradition...
Not true...'ve supplied the reason why there are Lords spiritual and Lords temporal. It reflects the division of man and the division of past society. Society remains the same but the ghastly homonculus conjured up by Humanist UK and NSS, namely a mere sociopoliticaleconomic unit still fails to represent your average human being adequately.

Atheist organisations failed to mention that the Lords Temporal/secular also had a reserved share of the seats and not only that, their numbers were also open. None of that is indisputeable.

That's the privilege in the house of Lords.


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« Reply #94 on: March 20, 2023, 12:19:17 PM »
Not true...'ve supplied the reason why there are Lords spiritual and Lords temporal.

We all know why there are, but you're advocating that there still should be and you've failed to explain why this entrenched privilege should continue to be accepted.

It reflects the division of man and the division of past society.

So did slavery, and women not being allowed to vote, and the criminalisation of homosexuality, and the denial of service to the Irish and any number of other traditions and artefacts. We've rid ourselves of those because they're unjustifiable institutions and ideas... the Lords Spiritual's time has come, don't you think?

Society remains the same but the ghastly homonculus conjured up by Humanist UK and NSS, namely a mere sociopoliticaleconomic unit still fails to represent your average human being adequately.

You can not like Humanist UK and NSS as much as you'd like, but given that neither of them is explicitly shaping the make-up of the Lords it's a bit of a red herring. You can't justify the Lords Spiritual by disliking the NSS any more than you can justify it by disliking McDonalds. If you want to advocate for the continued existence of the Lords Spiritual you have to explain why the Church of England deserves special privilege over EVERY OTHER CONCERN.

Atheist organisations failed to mention that the Lords Temporal/secular also had a reserved share of the seats and not only that, their numbers were also open.

Sorry, which seats are reserved for atheists? None of them. The only reserved seats are those special 26 for the Lords Spiritual and a number of hereditary peerage seats (which I've also advocated getting rid of).

None of that is indisputeable.

Except that it's absolute horseshit, you mean? Apart from the fact that it's blatantly false, fundamentally untrue and not an accurate depiction of the reality? Apart from that?

That's the privilege in the house of Lords.

Are you looking up the right country's parliament? You seem not to have the facts to hand. Try this -

Universes are forever, not just for creation...

New Atheism - because, apparently, there's a use-by date on unanswered questions.

Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints

Walt Zingmatilder

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« Reply #95 on: March 20, 2023, 02:49:29 PM »

Sorry, which seats are reserved for atheists? None of them. The only reserved seats are those special 26 for the Lords Spiritual and a number of hereditary peerage seats (which I've also advocated getting rid of).

Alas, that is true but I would certainly lose 1 or 2 Anglican Bishops and install a couple of unbelievers in their place.
However to say having Lords spiritual is a privilege in the face of the secular Lords having an open reserved presence is palpably ridiculous and misleading.

I've given a reason why Humanists and atheists should be recognised since they are for many a world view. You need to justify the hideous grotesque homonculus view of humanity you think is better served by just having Lords secular/temporal...or are you wanting it all to just happen by default?


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« Reply #96 on: March 20, 2023, 03:34:01 PM »
You want to exclude the religious walk of life and have totally secular lords

That's not what "secular" means. Nobody is arguing that bishops or other church officials should not be allowed to stand for parliament. They are only arguing that they should not be afforded special privileges i.e. free seats in the House of Lords.
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« Reply #97 on: March 20, 2023, 03:46:27 PM »
Alas, that is true but I would certainly lose 1 or 2 Anglican Bishops and install a couple of unbelievers in their place.

How magnanimous of you - and what's your justification for retaining the remainder?

However to say having Lords spiritual is a privilege in the face of the secular Lords having an open reserved presence is palpably ridiculous and misleading.

In what way? Secular representation does not exclude anyone, no-one is inherently barred from those seats. The Lords Spiritual, on the other hand, are specifically reserved for a select group of one particular religious sect. How does that not equate to a privileged position for that religion?

I've given a reason why Humanists and atheists should be recognised since they are for many a world view.

And I've pointed out that you not like those groups does not in any way impact on whether the Lords Spiritual represent special privilege for the Church of England.

You need to justify the hideous grotesque homonculus view of humanity you think is better served by just having Lords secular/temporal...or are you wanting it all to just happen by default?

Because I don't think that privileging one particular group is equitable, particularly when the data now shows that this one particular group represents one particular subset of one particular group of one minority group in the country. Whether you like what the 'secular' lords are doing or not doesn't change the inequitable reality that the Church of England has a privileged place in Parliament that you appear to support without being able to justify.

Universes are forever, not just for creation...

New Atheism - because, apparently, there's a use-by date on unanswered questions.

Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints

Walt Zingmatilder

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« Reply #98 on: March 20, 2023, 11:22:58 PM »
That's not what "secular" means. Nobody is arguing that bishops or other church officials should not be allowed to stand for parliament. They are only arguing that they should not be afforded special privileges i.e. free seats in the House of Lords.
'Secular' has many meanings. I know nobody is arguing that bishops or other church officials shouldn't be allowed to stand for parliament.
They also should not be guaranteed free seats in the Lords spiritual. That should include world views as delineated by the census and go by numbers represented.

The lords spiritual and the Lords Temporal are both guaranteed places in the house of Lords with the Lords secular privileged in terms of share and expansion of numbers of seats.

Whether there should be Lords spiritual is an ideological matter and issue to vent one's atheist wrath on with those who feel there shouldn't naturally overrepresented on a forum like this.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2023, 08:03:53 AM by Walt Zingmatilder »


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« Reply #99 on: March 21, 2023, 09:00:18 AM »
'Secular' has many meanings.

Not really. It has many applications, it has many contexts, but it only really has one meaning.

I know nobody is arguing that bishops or other church officials shouldn't be allowed to stand for parliament.

Your ravings about 'antitheists' just wanting to privilege atheism suggests that you don't.

They also should not be guaranteed free seats in the Lords spiritual. That should include world views as delineated by the census and go by numbers represented.

Again, why should religion have a privileged place in Parliament? "Render unto Caesar..." and all that...

The lords spiritual and the Lords Temporal are both guaranteed places in the house of Lords with the Lords secular privileged in terms of share and expansion of numbers of seats.

Having the group that represents everyone have the largest share does not privilege anyone. Having a group that represents everyone, including the religious, and then an additional group to add weight to the religious viewpoint is privileging religion. You can't privilege everyone, that makes no sense.

Whether there should be Lords spiritual is an ideological matter

Yes, and you keep failing to justify your ideological stance on it.

... and issue to vent one's atheist wrath on with those who feel there shouldn't naturally overrepresented on a forum like this.

Not overrepresented, just represented. As the recent census shows, religiosity is in decline, and you'd therefore expect to see support for an explicit policy that favours religion also be in decline. It's not unique to this forum, it's representative of the nation. And, as a notionally representative democracy, our parliament should be representative of the nation too, and reserved seats for the religious in parliament undermines that.

Universes are forever, not just for creation...

New Atheism - because, apparently, there's a use-by date on unanswered questions.

Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints