You seem to be contradicting yourself here
I'm not the one saying emotional cost is like money. That's you.
Yes and the recipient of the forgiveness gets relieved of the cost of compensating the victim.
Not necessarily. You can forgive somebody who assaults you but they may still go to prison.
You are conflating forgiving a wrong with forgiving a debt. These are related concepts but not the same. If somebody steals something off me, I could forgive the debt they owe without forgiving them. Conversely, I could forgive them for the crime
because they compensated me.
God is also a victim having been transgressed in much the same sense that the law is transgressed as well as the victim
Nonsense. When a woman is raped, she is the victim, not God.
, and often God is the exclusive victim.
What crime could I commit in which God is the victim?
I find nowhere in the New Testament that Jesus forgives on behalf of the victim.
What right has Jesus got to forgive then?