If I said my lawn also contained SDFds64534!!". Would you think it possible that it did?
I would not accept this claim until it was defined, and demonstrated that it could be on my lawn.
Nor would I accept the claim, but that doesn't mean it isn't possible. And until a claim is either definitely demonstrated or definitively falsified it remains a possibility.
Indeed the lack of definition doesn't help, because it counters the ability to demonstrate or falsify and renders the claim still possible (albeit potentially a rather pointless claim).
So while SDFds64534 remains completely undefined we remain firmly in the territory of possible - however it it is finally defined as a well known weed variety, water, or my pet dog, then we might firmly accept the claim.
Alternatively (and this is where the supernatural claims come in) it could be defined like Russell's teapot or Sagan's garage dragon - an supernatural entirely that isn't susceptible to detection by any objective and material processes. In that case, well it would still remain possible, but we'd reject the actual claim on the basis of lack of evidence and also that we could never tell the difference between a lawn with SDFds64534 and one without.