Also, why on earth should employees’ beliefs be “respected”? Their right to believe anything they like should be respected right enough, but not the beliefs themselves surely?
Yes - that seems correct.
It is important that individuals are not discriminated in the workplace on the basis of their belief or lack of belief. And that cuts both ways so accommodation to one individual's beliefs could, for example, mean discrimination against another individual that lacks that belief. An example being a situation where a job requires regular weekend working on a rota - if a christian claims that requiring them to work on a Sunday is discriminatory due to their belief, accommodation of that view might actually result in discrimination against non christians who may be required to work more Sundays than reasonable to accommodate the views of the christian employee.
But this is all about preventing discrimination and, where reasonable, accommodating individual beliefs. None of that is about actually respecting those beliefs. This seems to be completely outside the remit of an employer/employee relationship to me. Accepting and accommodating reasonable requests based on a particular belief is one thing, requiring an employer to actually respect those beliefs quite another. And in this context what is meant by 'employer' - if this is an organisation then I don't see how respect of views is something an organisation is actually capable of. If 'employer' means an individual then a requirement to respect another person's views (rather than accept and accommodate and not discriminate on that basis) is quite another matter - to do so would seem to be discriminatory in itself as it would be disregarding the view of the employer as an individual.
Whether or not an employer or an employee respects the beliefs of another when interacting in a professional capacity seems to miss the point - what should happen is that the employee (or employer) should not be discriminated on that basis of those beliefs, regardless of whether one individual might find those beliefs wrong, abhorrent and/or completely unworthy of respect.