An NDE occurs when a person is close to death or pronounced dead. It is often triggered by a medical trauma such as a car accident, heart attack, etc. Typically, there is an out-of-body experience: The individual viewing themselves from above, traveling through a tunnel, seeing vivid imagery, encountering deceased family members, and bright lights, and perhaps perceiving angelic-like beings. The person is often told that it is not their time to die and returns to life. Terminal lucidity occurs more often when someone who is close to death and has been uncommunicative and unresponsive—as in the late stages of dementia—becomes alert, lucid, and verbal at the end of their life. It is as though the old self has returned after all have assumed the “self” has been destroyed. Sadly, it is followed closely by death.
They go against everything we know so far about death and dying, and yet these events are well documented. It seems that initially when the near-death experiences were brought to the public’s attention, they were dismissed as delusions, wishful thinking, or simply lies. Professionals did not deem them worthy of research and criticized those who did. Today, NDEs are more widely accepted as phenomena that can occur when someone is dying. With increased public and professional acceptance, people are more willing to share their experiences without fear of ridicule. Recognition of terminal lucidity is still in its early stages;
In exploring these end-of-life experiences, many questions arise: Is the mind separate from the brain? Where was the former self during the time that the person was “away?" Was it hibernating or preserved somewhere? Do changes in neurochemical transmitters trigger the experience? What implications does this have for the treatment of Alzheimer's or dementia? Do both TL and NDE suggest that there may be more to us than our biological self? What can we learn from these experiences about consciousness?