Death is an unknown and nobody....nobody....knows what it really is, regardless of what any of you might say to the contrary!
Definitions of death are tentative and even medical experts are undecided on the point when death really occurs. It is not just Sam Parnia but many other doctors worldwide who are involved in the study of NDE's (RED'S).
I disagree entirely - I think you are misunderstanding the differences between the definition of death and an understanding of the processes leading to death and (if you are that way inclined) what happens after death. But the definition is very clear.
Death is defined as the irreversible cessation of all biological functions that sustain an organism firstly the notion of recall after death, with recall requiring the use of functioning physiological/neurological processes is an oxymoron as, by definition, if someone is death those attributes have been irreversibly lost, so if they have come back the person is not and was not dead.
Further, with the advances in medical practice there is a lot of challenge to the point at which death actually occurs, specifically when those processes have irreversible ceased. And there is debate over situations where someone is not dead by the definition, but has lost key functions (while others remain) that are deemed to be essential to the person, hence the various notions of 'brain death'. But you will note that these terms caveat
brain death;
brain-stem death;
clinical death. They need to be caveated because in none of those cases is the organism actually dead according to the definition that requires irreversible cessation of all biological functions that sustain an organism.
RED's or NDE's are definitely a window into death and it is extremely foolish not to take them seriously..... (4 minutes)
No they don't - they may provide an interesting insight into the process of dying but they tell us nothing about being dead as in no case where someone is able to recount a NDE etc was that person dead, because, by definition they never demonstrated an
irreversible cessation of all biological functions that sustain an organism because those biological functions came back.