From your edited post (as NS noted):
From the link
However, some “absurdities” arise when groups start leaving. If a finite group of 5 checks out, the hotel still has an infinite number of rooms filled. But consider what happens when two different infinite groups leave the hotel. Having the infinite group in all rooms greater than 5 check out leaves only 5 rooms filled. Alternatively, when the infinite group of all even numbers checks out, the hotel has an infinite number of odd rooms filled. In equation form (paralleling the addition equations above), this gives:
a – b = c Just like addition above
∞ – a = ∞ OK so far
∞ – ∞ = 5 First infinite group leaving
∞ – ∞ = ∞ Second infinite group leaving
The last two equations are contradictory! You can’t subtract one value from another value and get two different results. Thus, many people have used this contradiction to argue that actual infinities cannot exist in the physical world. However, mathematicians recognized this dilemma and solved the issue by noting that subtraction is not a well-defined operation for infinites. Lest this strike you as defining the problem away, you encounter a similar solution for a much more familiar mathematical idea. Let me illustrate with an interesting proof:”. How does noting that subtraction is not well defined for infinities help out in the argument that actual infinities could exist?
Actually, there are two answers to this. The first is given in the article that explains that zero is undefined under the operation of division because it leads to similar contradictions. This doesn't stop real zeros from appearing in nature. So the whole contradiction, using mathematically invalid operations, means physically impossible 'argument' goes straight out of the window.
This alone should answer your claim.
However, we could get more technical and point out that we can make it work for the Hilbert Hotel example if we use explicit sets. Infinite
cardinal numbers are defined by the
cardinality (loosely 'size') of sets.
The Hilbert Hotel has rooms numbered 1, 2, 3, 4,...., and the cardinality (loosely 'number') of rooms is the cardinality of the set of natural numbers: ℕ = {1,2,3,4,...}, denoted by |ℕ| = aleph-0 (ℵ₀). Using
set difference as 'subtraction', in the first subtraction, we are 'subtracting' all the numbers greater than five, so
{1,2,3,4,...}\{6,7,8,...} = {1,2,3,4,5} and |{1,2,3,4,5}| = 5.
In the second, we are 'subtracting' all the even numbers, so
{1,2,3,4,...}\{2,4,6,...} = {1,3,5,...} and |{1,3,5,...}| = ℵ₀ = |{1,2,3,4,...}|.
I'll take questions.