Matthew concise? As in an angel being seen to descend and roll away the stone, and zombies wandering through Jerusalem after the Resurrection?
Those events may be later additions to Matthew's first edition. They appear to have been absent from Luke and Mark's copies of Matthew. If we assume, based on general evidence, that Luke used Matthew and then Mark used both Mt and Lk, then when we find a section in Matthew which Luke and Mark omit, we should consider the possibility that it was added to Matthew's original text. An example is Peter walking on the water, or the parables of Mt 25. Much of the material which appears to have been added, relates to the Gentiles, while the original narrative is concerned with Jesus' ministry to Israel. A very good example is in Mt 10, where Jesus sends out the twelve, instructing them not to go to the Gentiles but to the lost sheep of Israel. Half way through the chapter, he begins to warn them that they will face persecution; this didn't happen until after the ascension; therefore it must have been added to the original account of the sending out of the twelve.
I was referring to material like the accounts of the paralytic and the synagogue ruler's daughter, which are less detailed than Mark and Luke.
There are five discourses in Matthew, each of which concludes with "after Jesus had finished instructing his disciples". Luke only has this statement in one place, which suggests (see above) that its use after the Sermon on the Mount was adapted as a formula for the second to fifth discourses, which were expanded by the editor.