I'm not a big extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence man. But if ever a proposal merited it this is the case. To be told that something we watched and videod being manufactured might not have been certainly invites a request for explanation.
I may be Humedodging but blaming me for not getting him on certain points sounds a bit courtiers reply. Though I'm not big on them either.
Popping out of nowhere. I am a christian so I accommodate creatio ex nihilo. Black swans are fine until the suggestion that there might be black swans that look like grey elephantsą
Pretty much all of this reads as a non sequitur. It also reads like you haven't read my post but are filling in lots of stuff I didn't write. None of the post you are replying to is about Hume which is why I mentioned pantheism, and Eastern philosophy. It's not about things not being made but that everything is a single thing that cannot be any other way.
And again, it's not me making a claim that this is true, or that it's my belief so it would be useful if you didn't repeat that error in the discussion.
I still have no idea what you think creation out of nothing has to do with this.