For a doctor to assist a patient to die requires that he renounce his title of a doctor.
Nice of you to decide that for the entire profession - maybe, just maybe, we should leave it to them to decide if they want to adopt your definition, or if they're more interested in harm-reduction, or alleviating suffering, or any of a number of other ways of phrasing their motivation? Or, maybe, like much of the rest of existence, one definition does not fit all of the people involved - maybe it's for each Doctor to determine what their own motivation is, where their own ethical lines are.
Because as a doctor his job is to treat patients, where 'treat' is defined as "to use drugs, exercises, etc. to cure a person of a disease or heal an injury".
Is it? Can you show where that definition comes from? My own understanding - and this is my definition, you understand - is that they are there to help people. It's more open ended than yours, it encompasses yours, but it's not limited to yours. How does your standard help when the harm is continued life? Should the healthcare professionals just universally be required to wash their hands of it and let you suffer in silence when your disease is beyond their current available treatments?
You appear to be coming at this from a point of view of venerating life above all - please, correct me if I'm wrong in that - but for many of us life is a means to an end, not and end in itself, and if that life is no longer beneficial, no longer useful to us, no longer pleasant, no longer worth living for the person living it... how is stopping that suffering not treatment of what ails them?