Illustration of why taking desperate measures to try and assuage one part of your electorate creates other problems. 14 years of Tory govts really screwed up the country in multiple ways.
Absolutely - and this is hardly unsurprising given that overseas students are the only part of University's main business that actually breaks even. For years University research funding hasn't been sufficient to cover full costs, but until relatively recently Universities just about broke even on Home students. But not any more - they lose money when conducting research, they lose money teaching home students so they are, not unreasonably, reliant on overseas students to be financially sustainable.
What I also find perplexing is the inability of governments (well certainly the previous government) to see Universities as one of the most astonishing export businesses we have. How many other business sectors generate £20k (or more) annual revenue from each and every one of their overseas customers (in this case overseas students). And of course these people pump even more money into the UK economy as they rent property, buy food/clothes etc from UK businesses.
UK Universities should be being championed as astonishing successful globally businesses, not put on the naughty step for being successful.